
Hello!! This is Paul Omindi, working for Alphajiri.





私たちアルファジリ は、貧困小規模農家の共同体「アルファチャマ」グループを通じて、作物の買取保証、栽培指導、貯蓄指導(テーブルバンキング)、農業資材のローン提供、農家さん同士から学ぶ場の提供などのサービスを通じ、ソーシャルビジネスによってケニア農村の貧困問題解決に取り組む会社です。(アルファジリの詳細はこちら




















“ 来る日も来る日も朝から晩まで畑で汗水流して働いているのに、その努力も無駄だった。”















(※ 一刻も早い支援が必要なため、クラウドファウンディングの終了を待たずにご支援していただいた額分の食料を農家さんに届けます。)


油1ℓ、米5kg、固形石鹸1本、液体石鹸1ℓ  ※一家庭当たり

・第1回食料 940円 × 510家庭 ≒ 480,000円

・第2回食料   880円 × 510家庭 ≒ 450,000円

・トラックハイヤー費用 50,000円

・燃料費 12,000円













 "We hope you will stand with us in supporting our local farmers to regain strength in fighting social problems."

Paul Omindi







(アルファジリ は、ボーダレス・ジャパングループの一員です。)

アルファジリ の事業を詳しく知りたいなら:アルファジリホームページ

アルファジリ での事業風景を身近に感じたいなら:インターン生運用tiwitter 

アルファジリの役員twitter: CEO twitter / CFO twitter



Hello and pleasure Interacting with You. This is Paul Omindi, working for Alphajiri as  backup officer in Migori county, a rural village in Kenya. I decided to launch a donation to aim in distributing basic food staff  like sugar,cooking oil,soap and wheat flour to smallholders farmers who have been affected by the outbreak of Corona pandemic and the situation that has resulted from Flood destructions on crops and farms.

ー Who is Alphajiri?

Alphajiri is a social business company which provides various social services to empower small holders in rural Kenya through a farmer group called Alpahchama. Through Alphachama group members independently run rotating savings and loaning (Table Banking) to support themselves and side business. The company secures the crop market for them, sells farm input to them with their payment in weekly installments, gives free training and offers various group activities to learn from each other.

This time we want to donate food staff to solve the problems that rural families face during  this corona outbreak period.

ー Problems in Migori

Migori county is  in rural Kenya in the south western region, where  80% of the smallholder farmers  have very small pieces of land  and live with small amounts of  money.

I was born and raised in the rural area not far from Migori and therefore consider Migori as my second home. It has been my wish to fight poverty in the rural area and started thinking of what I needed to successfully fulfil my wish.

Farmers in rural villages depend mainly on farm produce to get food. So unless they sell part of their produce, they won’t get any money to buy basic house needs like clothing,sugar,cooking oil or even wheat flour which they use to make their favourite food like mandazi and chapati!!

Because of small sizes of land, yield from such farms have become so low to sustain the family until the next harvest period. 

In addition to this, they can not even sell the little they have to buy some commodities like sugar and cooking oil and if they are forced to sell they are left with nothing as food and  in return start to spend in buying the same items they sold at a higher price than they sold it.

Also, they only grow Maize and beans and that’s making soil exhausted of its nutrients. Then my work is training them to increase their harvests.

Just like other countries, Migori is also affected by corona and the government prohibited holding a meeting to avoid a corona pandemic. So, we are not able to hold Alpha-chama meetings, children cannot go to school and it becomes difficult for farmers to get casual jobs.

 Farmers have large family members, averagely 7 people per household {Father,mother and 5kids}. In normal circumstances, children stay in school while young only return in the evening but now all the 7 are at home all the time due to movement and gathering restrictions to avoid the spread of corona. The daily expense is now too much which the family can not afford to raise enough food.

 In addition, it has also become more  very difficult to do a few casual jobs to raise  money for the family when they are hungry and starving for food. Although, about 90% of farmers depend on some casual activities to raise family income. More so, the  farmers can not hire people to do casual work like farm management except for a few family members. So they are no longer able to maintain larger farms by themselves.

In addition, In Lambwe Valley which is alphajiri main production area, floods have destroyed not only crops in the farms but also farmer’s houses and animals killed. Some families needed to stay the church because their houses were destroyed, and some didn’t even have to stay except their house that was affected because there was no place to go. Maybe children will be the first to suffer from malnutrition and be caught by nutritional diseases because of low immune. 

Finally, the situation has made the locals to be so exposed and vulnerable hence they need to maintain good health and have good resistance to common disease by eating enough, maintaining houses clean and safe. 

I met one of the AC members  Elijah Oule, who is severely affected by the current situation of corona and I decided to do some survey on the effect of corona and floods to farmers' lives. He said, “My effort in the farm is always in vain despite putting much effort and even spending the whole day doing farm work.” He continued “In my farm, I plant Sukuma,Maize, Beans and groundnuts  but since I don’t have money to take my 7 children to school, therefore I have to wait until I harvest beans and sukuma then take every harvest to school to deduct school fee. At the end I’m left with only maize and groundnuts which I can’t eat daily so I have to sell a portion of it to get some money to buy sugar,soap,rice and wheat flour.” As he continued expressing his status, I noticed some drops of tears and they didn't have any happiness and got upset whenever reminded of the situation, an indication written all over his face. I was greatly touched and moved by his feelings. I couldn’t imagine the last time seeing a parent and adult man shedding tears in this manner. But since I wanted to get more information from him, I played some tricks to calm him down and we proceeded with our conversation. “I have 7 children plus my wife. We are 9 in the family, on normal days all the children go to school except the younger ones who come back in the evening so I don’t have to spend much on buying food. But because of corona, gatherings and schools have been closed so all children stay at home. My daily expenditure has increased by around 120%.Everything I buy now is in debt and sellers refuse to give me more debt. My wife had to stop buying vegetables because I can no longer borrow from AC micro finance to support business because the government prohibited all gatherings.”

I felt so nervous and tried to imagine what would happen if the corona situation persisted for more 1-2 months with the effect of flood destruction where crops were washed away by flood! Children would also not study at home when hungry, hence their academic dreams and ambitions shuttered. Even they can easily get sick in this situation. Then I immediately thought of raising some funds through donations to solve this problem and make the future of farmers' children brighter.

It’s quite unfortunate that the flood has also carried their farms leaving them with little harvest and the farms will remain infertile meaning in the next production period yield would be generally low. Not only crops but also houses damaged, grass thatch roofing destroyed by strong wind and water getting into the house putting the lives of farmers and children in danger to suffer from cold and other sickness and I hope you will join hand with us to raise this targeted amount to support the families and distribute food they can not acquire from farm.


Through donation of basic food staff to our local farmers, the family would have little food to sustain them during this corona period. When food is made available, Farmers children can also focus on  studying at home to build their future which is our strong culture. Education of children through our mobile Library.

ーLast Comment

Alphajiri’s core activity is to give service through Alphachama but with the current situation of COVID19 pandemic, we can not offer our services as usual because all Alphachama activities have been prohibited. So farmers' safety income has been stopped. This humanitarian is the true effort to solve poverty and therefore your contribution will be of great assistance to fight against corona and flood to the vulnerable families. We hope you will stand with us in supporting our local farmers to regain strength in fighting social problems. Your contribution is highly appreciated!

Paul Omindi



  • 2020/07/05 12:49

    Hello! This is Paul.皆様のお陰で目標額を達成することができました。本当にありがとうございます。また、皆様のご支援で本日も第2回の食料支援の活動をし、約70の農家さんたちとその家族にお米、油、固形石鹸、手洗い用石鹸などを届けることができました。農家さんたちはとても喜んでいて、...

  • 2020/07/02 12:32

    Hello everyone!(原文はページ下部に記載しています。)皆様の温かいご支援に感謝してもしきれません。本当にありがとうございます。このプロジェクトの目的は、「食料支援を通じて農家さんの希望と笑顔を取り戻すこと」です。新型コロナウイルスの影響や洪水の被害に苦しんでいる農家さんたちを今ま...

  • 2020/07/01 10:46

    <プロジェクトオーナーPaulからのメッセージ>Good Afternoon.This is Paul Omindi working as Backup officer for Alphajiri ltd.Thank you all for your continued support tow...
