


     Hello everyone. Thank you for viewing this project. My name is Sara Fox. I am a producer of this project. I grew up in a small state called Indiana in the US and moved to Sasebo last year. As I studied wildlife conservation at a university in the United States, I am deeply interested in animal health and the environmental issues surrounding them.  

 My project is ... 
      It is to make an American style cat cafe in Japan. 


What is American style cat cafe?
 Now there are cat cafes not only in Japan, but also in many parts of the world.
 However, the purpose of American cat cafes is different from that of Japan. The differences is "ANIMAL PROTECTION." It means "Cafe of Cat Rescue."

これらの猫を助けましょう! Let's help these cats!

 Cafe の猫は保護されたり様々な事情で捨てられたりした猫たちです。Cafeに来るまでは保健所で殺処分を待っていた猫もいます。もし Cafe利用者から猫を飼いたいという申し出があれば、里親条件に合致するかの審査や2週間程度の試し飼いなどを経て飼い主となっていただきます。そしてまた新しい保護猫がCafeに入ってくるという仕組みです。
What is "Cafe of Cat Rescue?"
    Cafe's cats are cats that are protected or abandoned for various reasons. Some cats have been killed at the health center before coming to the Cafe. If there is an offer from Cafe users to keep a cat, you will be the owner after a review on whether it meets the foster parent's condition or a trial for around 2 weeks. And there is a mechanism that a new protection cat comes into the cafe again.

野良猫を救いたい お店の名前は"Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe"
 Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeの大きな目的は猫と里親とのマッチングです。飼い主のいない多くの猫は毎日保護されており、飼い主が見つからずに命を落とす猫もいます。そのような猫のための施設はまだ十分ではありません。私の住む街では、2017年に483匹の猫が安楽死したと報じられています。だからこそ、このカフェが拠点となって、できる限り多くのホームレスの猫を助けたいのです。 Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeの願いは、人と生き物が共存することです。アメリカの社会では、政府と市民が一緒になってペットの里親を探します。そして、彼らは里親の数を増やすためにポスター、テレビコマーシャル、建物の広告などあらゆる方法でサポートします。私はこのプロジェクトをできるだけ多くの人々と共有し、行政、保護猫団体、獣医師などと協力して里親ネットワークを構築したいと思います。

We want to save the stray cats.
 Big purpose of Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe is matching cats with foster parents. Many cats are killed in Sasebo who have no homes.There are not enough facilities here yet. In Sasebo City, it has been reported that 483 cats were euthanized in 2017. That's why I want to make this cafe a base for helping as many homeless cats as possible and finding a good home. The wish for Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe is that there are many animals in the family and home. In American culture, governments and citizens are looking for pet foster parents together. And they support cats in every way to increase the number of foster parents through posters, TV commercials, building advertisements, etc. My adopted cat came with me to Japan and she is my best friend. We would like to share this project with as many people as possible , and cooperate with the administration, animal welfare groups, veterinarians, etc. to build a foster parent network. The role of Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe is to promote life and interaction between cats and people. In order to reduce the number of homeless cats, according to their foster parents, provide a place where people can live, gather and learn in a relaxed environment. In order to realize this project, we will do our best to build a wide network of administration, animal hospitals, animal welfare groups, pet shops and so on.


「野良猫の減少」という目的を達成するための手段が「Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe」です。
The cat café will have an achievable goal to reduce stray cats.

 To invite everyone to visit the cate.

 When visiting, visitors do not have to interact with the cats at first.

 Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeを通じて猫のことを知っていただきたいのです。
We want to educate about cats through Puchi Puchi Cat Café.

We prepared various plans to achieve the purpose.    

 私は現在英会話を教えています。また私はヨガのインストラクターとしての資格を取得するために一生懸命がんばっていて、今年の秋には資格を取得できる予定です。Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeでは、これまでとは違ったスタイルの英会話クラスとヨガのクラスをつくります。授業中に猫が頬ずりしてきたり、ヨガに参加する風景を想像するだけで楽しいと思いませんか。忙しい日常の中で、このカフェを訪れる人にリラックスした雰囲気の中で過ごしていただきたいです。
English & Cat Yoga Lesson (Cats bother some time)
  I am currently teaching English conversation. In addition, I am working hard to get qualified as a yoga instructor. Here I would like to create an English conversation class and a yoga class that are different from the styles I have used so far for the locals. Wouldn't you feel relieved just by imagining the landscape where cats and join yoga together during a lesson? During the busy everyday life, I would like people who visit this cafe to relax in a relaxed atmosphere.

© Annie Wermiel \ NY Post


Table discussions for those who have or want to have cats.
Keeping a cat isn’t easy. Thus, we will provide the opportunity for guests to express their worries about owning a cat. This will create a ‘cat rearing network’. We will answer your concerns and doubts for those who keep cats.
Cat Homestay
If you don’t know if you can dedicate your time to keeping a cat, we can offer a temporary homestay cat. Puchi Puchi Cat Café staff will support you.
Bulletin board for cat protection and foster parents.
In cooperation with the Nagasaki Cats Association and Sasebo City, we will announce “Cat Protection Information” on an electronic bulletin board (digital). This provides an opportunity for matching anytime.
 猫をテーマにした写真集は市場に出回っていますが、Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeでも猫のフォトコンテストを開催し、できるだけ多くの人たちに猫に親しんでもらいたいと思っています。
Cat Photo Competition
    Cat photo books are on the market, and Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe also holds cat photo competition and wants to get as many people as possible into cats.

 猫ファンにはいろんなジャンルがあって、飼い猫(猫を飼いたい人)、撮り猫(猫の写真を撮りたい人)、癒し猫(猫に癒されたい人)、じゃれ猫(猫とじゃれたい人)など関心は様々。Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeはそういった人たちのアイデアを吸収しながら楽しいコンテンツを発信していきます。
    There are various genres for cat fans, FAN of Having Cats  (people who want to keep a cat), FAN of Taking Cats Photos (people who want to take a picture of cats), FAN of Healed by Cats(people who want to be healed by  cast), Fan of Playing with Cats(people who want to play with cats) etc. Interest is various. Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe will plan various fun content with absorbing the ideas of those people.

    Location will depend on available properties, but the desired location will be downtown Sasebo where there are many locals, American families, and tourists from cruise ships.


Cafeの間取り図案 右下は病気の猫のための保護部屋です。

☆Puchi puchi Cat Cafeのターゲット
 Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe は「保護猫カフェ」なので、ここの猫は予防注射や病気のチェックを受たり,、人になれるための訓練を受けたりします。そして、新しい飼い主となる人との出会いを、カフェで待っていることになります。Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeは、猫と一緒に時間を過ごす方はもちろん、最終的に猫を飼いたいと考えている方もターゲットとしています。
Puchi puchi Cat Cafe Target
    Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe is a "Cafe of Cat Rescue" , so cats here receive vaccinations, check for illness, and receive training to become a person. And you will be waiting in the cafe for a meeting with your new owner. Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe targets not only those who spend time with cats, but also those who want to eventually keep cats.

 Puchi Puchi Cat Cafeをオープンするにあたり、これまで市、保護猫団体、獣医師の方から貴重なご意見やアドバイスをいただきました。このプロジェクトが実現したときはこういった団体や方とより緊密に連携することにしています。
Activities so far
    So far, we have received valuable comments and advice from the city, protected cat groups, and veterinarians before opening Puchi Puchi Cat Cafe. When this project is realized, we will work more closely with these groups and people.


2019年11月 行政、商店街、動物保護団体、動物病院などと具体的な連携に向けた打ち合わせをします。
 2019年12月 協力してくださった方々に感謝のメッセージをお送りします。
 2020年 1月 店の決定、インテリア、備品などを購入します。
 2020年 2月 店の改装終了、猫が入居します。
 2020年 4月 協力してくださった方々に感謝状以外のリターンをお送りします。
 2020年 5月 オープンする予定です。

☆ Future plans
 Nov. 2019  We will meet in advance with administrative relations, shopping mall associations, animal
welfare groups, animal hospitals, etc.
 Dec.2019 We will send Thank you Letter to those who cooperated.
 Jan.2020 Decide shop, interior, buy furniture.
 Feb.2020 The store is completely renovated and the cat is moving.
 Apr.2020 We would like to send back a reward other than Thank you Letter to those who cooperated.
 It will open in May of 2020.


  改修費 200万円 
  家賃・敷金 140万円 
  備品 120万円 
  保護猫にかかる費用 40万円
  当面の餌代 10万円
  広報費 10万円

☆ Use of funds
 I will use it as part of the contract of a store, the remodeling, the transportation expenses for the acceptance of equipment and cats, the feeding fee for cats, etc.

Rent, security deposit: 1.12 million円
I’d like as many people to visit as possible. The rent is at least 160,000円 considering transportation, etc. Other additional charges includes 60,000円 for security deposits and fee.
can cost around 1,000,000円.
This will include playground items for cat recreation, cages, restroom, and cafe fixtures.
Car rental fee, transportation fee: 300,000円
Other (reserve): 300,000円
    The project will be implemented using the all-or-nothing method, so unfortunately the project will have to be interrupted if the target amount is not achieved.

 感謝のカード、オリジナルのクリアファイル、オリジナルのTシャツ、オリジナルの帽子、お店で使えるクーポン、英会話レッスン(スクーリング/ Skype)、キャットヨガのレッスン(スクーリング)などをご用意しています。※ クリアファイル、Tシャツ、キャップのデザインは変更する場合があります
☆ Give back to everyone who cooperated
 We have prepared cards of gratitude, original clear files, original T-shirts, original caps, coupons that can be used in shops, English conversation lessons (schooling / Skype), cat yoga lessons (schooling), and more.

☆ Finally(最後に) 最後までお読みいただきありがとうございます。私は日本に来てこれまでたくさんの人と出会い、たくさんの貴重な経験をしました。
