2020/05/17 22:30

*English below




実は延期決定をしたのはSCUADの核となる“16人の若者”、 “SCUADメンバー” のお披露目予定日の3月1日の3日前でした。

初回内容としては自己紹介、アイスブレイクとしてScavenger Hunt(いわゆる借り物競争・あなたの国旗の色のものを持ってきて!など)、そして“What is the biggest problem our society have in this COVID-19 situation and how we (as youth) can help to solve the problem(コロナ禍において社会の一番の問題はなにか、そして若者としてその解決になにができるか)?"というテーマへのグループディスカッション(日本インドネシアミックスの数人ずつのグループとその発表)を行いました。

Update with SCUAD

Hi, this is team SCUAD, we hope you’ve been staying safe and strong in this tough situation.
After some pose we are virtually taking a step forward. As you can understand, we needed to postpone our actual event and we are assuming that our wait may take long.

Thus we started online session with “SCUADer”, the talented and passionate 16 youth from Japan and Indonesia that were to join SCUAD.  
What we did was Self-Introduction, Ice-break game( scavenger Hunt), and group discussion with the theme “What is the biggest problem our society have in this COVID-19 situation and how we (as youth) can help to solve the problem?” and its presentation.

Scavenger Hunt・国旗の色 日本もインドネシアもおなじ色です!


この初回をふまえ今後は2週間に1回を目途に、SCUADの由来Social Cultural Action for Developmentをおうちで、をコンセプトにSocial DiscussionとCultural Actionを行うオンラインセッションを実施する見込みです。

Though we couldn’t have all 16, it was really a great first contact with full of inspiration.We will keep doing online session with “Social Cultural Action for Development at HOME”.

How we fight with Covid19 コロナとの戦い方





SCUAD代表 知夏七未 / チーム一同

We don’t know how long this session will be, but we hope that this can connect the SCUADers on the virtual world and when we can physically get together their friendship is already built and make the actual event more exciting and meaningful.

Even in this situation that keep us physically away to each other, we are to keep creating a new way for Social Cultural Action to make the world better one and this is our first step to try.

Thank you so much for your continuous support, and please stay safe and strong until the day we can meet in the beautiful real world.

The SCUAD team

Sending Love 愛をこめて